Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Operations Research-Discussion

Operations Research-Discussion

Q You task for this discussion forum is to locate three mission statements. One for the organization you work for or have worked for. One for a company for which you use their products. The third Mission statement should be for a service-oriented company you frequent. Insert the company name and then the mission statement. Right under each, give your impression of that statement and how it could possibly be improved. Your narrative should include a resource reference for where you found each of the Mission statements.

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Currently, I am working at Fort Hood in 3rd SFAB. The following is the mission statement of the Fort Hood: “USAG, Fort Hood provides integrated installation support services to include facilities, infrastructure and programs to enable Fort Hood commanders to train and deploy their units and take care of their Soldiers, Families, Civilians and retirees ("Mission and Vision :: U.S Army Fort Hood", 2019).” According to me it is a suitable mission statement for the organization as it reflects the true objective of the organization as well as the way to fulfil that objective. I frequently use products from the Starbucks and following is the mission statement of the company: